Section 1. NAME
Section 2. EXISTENCE
The League shall remain in existence until such time as three fourths of the member teams vote to disband it. No member team shall have any right, title or interest in any assets of the League unless the same is disbanded, in which event, only member teams in good standing at the time the League is disbanded may participate pro-rata in the existing assets.
This League is formed and exists for the purpose of:
- The basic premise for organizing the Southern California Military Golf League is to encourage the exchange of camaraderie and competition among the League Clubs.
- To support and advance a closer relationship among the League members.
- To promote the spirit of competition through good sportsmanship and the enjoyment in the game of golf.
- Promote team matches among member Clubs.
The League intends to carry on its golf operations at the Golf Courses of each league member. The League is an independent agency of its constituent members and has no connection, either real or implied, with the administration of any Golf Courses used for play.
a. Men who are members of one or more men’s club/association at the below golf courses and have a current USGA certified handicap due to their membership in that club/association:
- Admiral Baker Golf Course, San Diego
- Navy Golf Course, Seal Beach
- Miramar Memorial Golf Course, MCAS Miramar
- Marine Memorial Golf Course, Camp Pendleton
- Sea ‘N Air Golf Course, San Diego
b. Women who are members of a golf club/association (Men’s or Women’s) at one of the SCMGL member courses listed in paragraph 1.a above and who have a current USGA certified handicap due to their membership in that club/association.
c. The League may accept new member golf course by a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors.
d. It is the responsibility of all member clubs/associations and their elected officers to ensure that all participants in League competitive matches are certified members of their respective clubs/associations and have a current USGA certified handicap due to their membership in the club/association affiliated with the member course. A multi-club member may only participate on one team.
Any member Club may resign by giving notice in writing to the League Secretary, and paying all dues and other obligations accruing to the date of resignation
The Southern California Military Golf League Board of Directors shall consist of the Executive Board and Team Captains from each member Club. The Executive Board shall consist of the CHAIRMAN, VICE CHAIRMAN, TREASURER and SECRETARY. Executive Board members do not have to be one of the SCMGL Team Captains. Each Team is limited to two (2) Captains; however, each team has only one (1) vote on matters brought before the Board of Directors. Executive Board members who are not Team Captains have one vote. In the event of a tie the Chairman shall cast the tie-breaking vote.
Section 2. ELECTION
The Officers of the League shall be elected by the Board of Directors at the first quarterly meeting each year. Officers of the League shall hold office for a period of one (1) year. Any vacancies in the Offices that occur between the annual election meeting shall be filled by the Board of Directors from its own members. Officers so elected shall only hold this office until the first quarterly meeting of the next year.
The election/reelection of League Officers shall be the first order of New Business to be conducted at the first quarterly meeting each year. For each League Office, the Chairman shall ask for new candidates or a vote from the Board of Directors to reelect the incumbent to that office. If there is only one candidate for any office, the Secretary will call for a vote to fill that office. In the case of more than one candidate for an office, the Secretary will list each candidate then the Board of Directors will conduct a “show of hands” vote for each of the candidates. The candidate with the most votes shall be elected to that office. If the “show of hands” vote results in a tie, the Chairman will ask each of the candidates if one will concede the office to the other candidate. If, after this question, a tie for the office remains, the Chairman shall cast the tie-breaking vote.
Any new candidate(s) for League Officers should advise the Secretary of his (their) intent to run for office thirty days in advance of the first quarterly meeting so that the list of candidates may be included in the pre-meeting agenda provided by the Secretary.
a. Subject to the provisions of this Constitution and to such actions as may be taken from time to time by the Board of Directors at a Regular or Special meeting, the Board of Directors shall have entire control and management of the affairs, property and policies of the League. The Board of Directors may amend this Constitution by a majority vote of Board members.
b. The Board of Directors shall appoint a Tournament Director for the Annual League Tournament, normally from the host Club, at the time the Directors select the site and date for the event.
Section 4. LIABILITY
a. No indebtedness or liability shall be incurred by the Board of Directors in any year that exceeds the amount of available funds on hand. No liability shall be incurred by any member of the League, or member of a committee of the League, unless the same shall be authorized by the Board of Directors
b. An annual audit of financial transactions conducted in the name of the League will be performed each year by three (3) members, other than elected officers. This audit will reflect all business transacted during the period 1 January through 31 December. This audit when completed and approved by the Board of Directors will be filed with the Secretary and kept in the permanent records.
Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at the discretion of the Chairman but one (1) regular meeting shall be held in the first quarter of the calendar year on a date and place specified by the Chairman.
The Chairman, the Vice Chairman acting for the Chairman or three (3) members of the Board of Directors may call for a Special Meeting of the Board.
The Secretary will notify all Board members of any Special meeting. Notice must be provided at least two (2) weeks in advance of any Special Meeting and include the time, date and place of the meeting.
Each Member Club has one (1) vote on actions before the Board of Directors. Executive Board members who are not Team Captains have one vote. In the event of a tie the Chairman shall cast the tie-breaking vote.
Section 5. QUORUM
A quorum shall consist of at least one (1) voting member in attendance at the Board Meeting from a majority of League Teams. With four (4) teams currently in the league, three (3) must be represented by a voting member to constitute a quorum. If for any reason neither of a League Club’s two (2) Board of Directors members can attend a League meeting, that Club may send an ad hoc representative identified to the League Secretary prior to the meeting.
a. Chairman: The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the League’s Board of Directors. He is to perform all duties of the office and shall advise such action as may be deemed by him likely to increase the effectiveness of the League.
b. Vice Chairman: In the absence or inability of the Chairman to act, the Vice Chairman shall assume the duties of the Chairman. In the absence of the Chairman and Vice Chairman, the Board of Directors shall elect from its own members a Chairman pro-tem.
c. Secretary: The Secretary shall keep the records of all meetings of the League and of the Board of Directors. He shall serve notice of all meetings. He is responsible for and custodian of all correspondence, files, records and papers of the League except those pertaining to the office of the Treasurer. He shall present at each meeting of the Board a full report of all matters relating to the affairs of the League, including a summary of all actions taken since the last Board meeting. In consultation with Board members he shall coordinate, prepare and publish the annual schedule of competitive matches of the League. He shall prepare and send to all members on a monthly basis the results of League competitive matches.
d. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall keep full and accurate accounts of all money received, shall deposit the same in the name and to the credit of the League in such depositories as may be designated by the Board of Directors. He shall have the authority to receive and give receipt for all monies due and payable to the League from any source whatsoever, and endorse on behalf of the League all checks, drafts, notes and orders and give full discharge for same. He shall present at each meeting of the Board a report of the financial state of the League. He will annually insure that the provisions of Article V, Section 4.b. are complied with on an annual basis.
e. Secretary and Treasurer: The office of the Secretary and Treasurer may but need not be held by the same person. This is at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
Section 1. FORMAT
a. NUMBER OF PLAYERS PER MATCH AND NO SHOWS. Member clubs shall field a team consisting of at least 12 players and no more than 16 competing players. A team captain who cannot gather at least 12 players will inform the opposing captain (by phone, if possible) no later than 1200 two days before the match announcing that he will forfeit the match. If a team can only field an even numbered team of 14 players, the captain (by phone if possible) will inform the opposing captain of his final count who will adjust his team to the same even number of players. The uncontested match points will be split equally between the two teams.
Captains will endeavor to play with an EVEN number of players. A captain, knowing he will not have 16 players will inform the opposing captain as soon as he knows he will have less than 16 players, and will trim his team to the nearest even number; 12 or 14 players as appropriate. If the Visiting captain knows he will be short, he should not wait until the evening before the Match to inform the opposing Home captain because of the requirement for the Home captain to make out the scorecards. If the Home captain knows he will have only 12 or 14 players he needs to inform the Visiting captain before the morning of the Match so no one makes the trip only to discover he has no opponent. In the case where a captain knows he will be shorthanded by ONE player making for an ODD number of players on his team, (13 or 15) but fails to inform the opposing captain before the morning of the Match, the “missing player” will be treated as a “Unanticipated No Show” described below.
In the case of a No Show occurring the day of the Match, in either the Home or Visiting team, the player in the numbered team that has the No Show and is therefore by himself will play in a singles match with each of the opposing players for 2 points each. The Better Ball of Partners Match will be split 1.0 to 1.0. For example:
1) The Visiting Team shows up with their #10 player an unanticipated No Show.
2) The Visiting Team’s #9 player will then play the Home team’s #9 and #10 players in two singles matches, for 2 points each. If the Visiting Team’s No-Show player’s handicap was different than the Visiting Team’s #9 player the strokes to be given will be adjusted, if necessary, so that the Visiting #9 player plays with his own handicap against the Home team’s #9 and #10 players with their handicaps.
In the case where either the HOME or VISITING captain shows up for a match with 12 or 14 players and he has NOT informed the opposing captain before the day of the match, the team that is short will FORFEIT the matches that are unopposed. For example;
1) The Visiting team shows up with 14 players, but the Visiting Captain did NOT inform the Home Captain at least the day before.
2) The Visiting team forfeits Matches 15 and 16.
The reason for this rule is to avoid players on either team from showing up to play a match only to find out that they have no opponent because the shorthanded captain failed to tell the opposing captain that he would field only 12 or 14 players. There must be a penalty for the shorthanded captain failing to abide by the SCMGL Rules of Play.
A captain may show up with “Extra players” who just want to play the golf course and not be involved in a match. Those extra players MAY be used as substitutes for Unanticipated No Shows in a team. It is recognized that since they were not earlier declared as official “Team members” to the opposing captain the revised cards which will show them as substitute team members may require stroke adjustment. The captains MAY agree to adjust multiple cards to fit the substitute into a numbered team where his handicap would match up better with the opponents. However, since the HOME captain is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of all scorecards he has the final decision on whether the substitute will merely take the spot of the Unanticipated No Show, adjusting that one card to reflect the substitute’s handicap, or to adjust multiple cards if more than one numbered team is altered.
b. FEMALE PLAYERS. Female participants will play from the women’s teeing ground, and use the Women’s Rating/Slope as the basis for their course handicap. Their handicap adjustment with their opponents will be based on the difference in individual handicaps and the course rating difference between men’s and women’s tees as prescribed in Section 3-5 of the USGA Handicap Manual. The male players will, if all of them have an Handicap index of 21.4 or below, play from the Men’s White Tees. If; however, one of the males has an index of 21.5 or above, then all males will play from the Forward Men’s Tees. The handicap adjustment for Men and Women competing against each other will be still done in accordance with Section 3-5, but using the Rating for the Men’s Forward Tees and the Rating for the Women’s Tees to arrive at the Match Handicap adjustment. In any case, women will receive any strokes owed to them on the holes specifically designated for women. If a woman gives strokes to a man, he will get his strokes on the holes specifically designated for men.
c. INDEXES FOR EACH MATCH. SCMGL Captains will use the most recent Indexes published by the SCGA (or equivalent golf organization) to compute their players’ handicaps. In order to allow a reasonable time to implement new Indexes, Captains must use new Indexes two days after their publication. With the SCGA’s publication schedule the Indexes are available on the 1st and 15th of the month. Captains will use Indexes posted on the 1st of the month for matches played on the 3rd through the 16th of the month. Indexes published on the 15th of the month will be used for matches played on the 17th through the 2nd of the following month.
d. INDIVIDUAL AND TEAM STROKES. Individual and team strokes are played where they fall on the card (handicap differential) in all matches.
e. NO HOST MATCHES. All matches at home and away shall be “NO HOST” events.
f. PLAYER LINEUPS. Team captains shall first arrange their teams in sequential order according to individual course handicaps, from lowest to highest. They may then reorder his teams as long as there is no more than a two-stroke course handicap difference between partners. The only time a greater than 2 stroke handicap difference among partners is allowed is when it is unavoidable after the teams are ordered “Low to High.” If it is unavoidable that after ordering the entire team “Low to High” the last one or few teammates have a greater than 2 stroke differentials then the captain still has the option of reordering his lower numbered teams as indicated above, but he must not reorder the teams that have a “unavoidable” difference of 3 or more strokes.
g. MAXIMUM HANDICAP INDEX. The maximum Handicap Index is 36.4 for men and 40.4 for women
h. POINTS PER MATCH. Each foursome shall play for a total of six (6) points under match play rules. The total number of points in the match is 48. The host team twosome plays the visiting team’s twosome in an eighteen-hole Best Ball match for two (2) points. Individuals play for another two (2) points with the opposing LOWER handicap players in each foursome competing against each other as do the HIGHER handicap players, applying handicap differential strokes.
i. SUBSTITUTE PLAYERS. If a player fails to show up, the Team Captain may substitute another player who shall compete at their own handicap in both individual and team play within their foursome or proceed under Section 1a. A late player may catch up to join his assigned foursome but he shall forfeit all holes missed to his opponent.
j. RULES AND DISPUTES. United States Golf Association (USGA) rules as modified by the SCMGL Local Rules govern the play of all matches. SCMGL Local Rules have been approved by the team captains and are contained in the SCMGL Local Rules Addendum (Updated February 15, 2019). Disputes between players on the interpretation of the rules/assessed penalties will be decided by Team Captains either during play or upon completion of play. Rule infractions and penalty assessments that can not be locally decided shall be submitted in writing to the SCMGL Chairman within seven (7) days of occurrence for resolution. The League Chairman will then create a committee to hear the dispute and make a final decision on the dispute. The two disputing Team Captains cannot be on the Committee.
a. MATCHES. Each Club shall play one (1) match at home and one (1) match away each month. The host Club is responsible for arranging the time and date for their match with their opponents as per the prescribed League schedule.
b. SCORECARDS. The visiting Team Captain shall provide the home Team Captain with a list of players, their GHIN and their index/handicaps using the SCMGL Visiting Team Roster Excel spreadsheet that has been provided to each team captain. This roster shall be provided a minimum of 48 hours in advance of the scheduled match so that foursomes can be established and scorecards prepared. The Home Team Captain is responsible for preparing two sets of scorecards and scoring sheets using the players from each team’s rosters. One set of scorecards and a scoring sheet are provided to the Visiting Team Captain the morning of the match; the other set is used by the Home Team Captain. The two Team Captains shall review the scorecards, prior to the cards being issued to the players, and agree that the cards list the correct pairings and reflect the correct number and placement of individual and team handicap strokes. Corrections shall be agreed to and made prior to issuing scorecards to the players.
According to The Rules of Golf, the scorecard has no status in match play. In SCMGL play, the scorecard serves three purposes – (1) it provides a LEGIBLE record of the strokes taken by each player in order to post a score for handicap purposes; (2) it provides a written record of the match status hole by hole; and (3) if needed, it provides a space for a player to annotate on which hole a claim was made.
c. MATCH RESCHEDULING. In the event a scheduled match must be cancelled due to inclement weather or course conditions, the Team Captains shall reschedule the match at a mutually agreeable time. If a match in progress is disrupted for similar reasons, the match results shall be deemed official if a majority of foursomes have completed play. If there are five (5) teams, three (3) must be completed. If there are six (6) or seven (7) teams, four (4) must be completed. And, if there are eight (8) teams, five (5) must be completed. Otherwise the match must be rescheduled.
d. OFFICIAL SCORING. The host Team Captain is responsible for the official scoring of the match and shall provide the results of the match to the League Secretary as soon as practical after the match. This report will be sent by e-mail.
e. LEAGUE STANDING REPORT. The League Secretary will publish and provide a monthly League Standing report to all member Club Team Captains.
f. ADDITIONAL PLAYERS AT A MATCH. The basic premise in organizing the SCMGL is to encourage the exchange of camaraderie and competition among member Clubs and to allow as many members to play during the matches as possible. Teams are encouraged to bring as many Club members to a match as may desire to come, commensurate with the host course’s availability of tee times. The visiting team, regardless of the number of players, must be established in accordance with paragraph VIII.1.a. above. Extra players may be paired with host team extras when available or may play among themselves. The visiting Team Captain shall inform the host Team Captain with names of their Non-Team players so that tee times can be arranged for them.
g. LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP AND TROPHY. The Team Club with the best win/loss record for the year shall be named League Champions and be awarded the SCMGL traveling Championship Trophy. When ties in the number of wins and losses occur between two or more teams after the completion of all matches, the team with the highest combined number of points scored in the home and away matches against the tied opponent(s) shall be declared the winner.
h. MATCH DIRECTLY AFFECTING CHAMPIONSHIP STANDING. If a match that bears directly on the championship standings can not be completed prior to the Annual Yearend Tournament, due to adverse conditions, the Board of Directors will determine the appropriate action that should be taken after all circumstances have been presented and considered. Failure to field a complete team is not an acceptable reason for rescheduling a match.
i. COMPETITION CLOSED. The competition is closed when the Host and Visiting Captains sign the Master Score Sheet and announce the results of the match. However, the provisions of Rule 20.1b(2) still apply.
j. HANDICAP INDEX REQUIRING PLAY FROM FORWARD TEES. If any player in a foursome has a Handicap Index of 21.5 or above the entire foursome must play from the Men’s Forward Tees using their Forward Tee Handicaps. If the course has holes specifically handicapped for the forward tees, they will use those figures. If the course does not, then they will use the hole handicaps for the White Tees. If a woman (women) is in that foursome, they will play from the Women’s Tees using their course handicap, adjusted in accordance with the USGA Handicap Manual Section 3-5. If a woman receives strokes she will get them on the holes specifically designated for women. If she gives strokes to her male opponent he will get his strokes on the holes specifically designated for men.
k. YEAR END TOURNAMENT (The ROUNDUP). Participation in the ROUNDUP is limited to only those who are members of a SCMGL golf team. Exceptions must be approved by the league Board of Directors.
l. DISTANCE MEASURING DEVICES. Electronic devices that only measure distance are authorized for use in all matches.
m. PACE OF PLAY. All players are required to RIDE all matches at all courses. All matches will be concluded at the four hour and forty-five-minute mark. At that point all players who have not completed their match will pick up their balls and proceed immediately to the club house and turn in their cards. Even if a hole is not finished, that hole and all subsequent holes will be ruled as “halved.” In order to provide a postable score, any holes not completed under this procedure shall be scored at net par to complete the round.
n. TIME OF STARTING. Players must be present and ready to play at their assigned teeing ground and their scheduled starting time. If a player is absent at their scheduled starting time that player is penalized loss of hole in his individual match. If he is late for the second hole, he is penalized loss of the second hole, and so on. If the player fails to show up for the match, the match proceeds in accordance with Article VIII Section 1.a.
o. HONORS. The Visiting Team has the honors on the first hole. The team that wins a hole with the LOWEST NET SCORE has the honor on the next teeing ground. If a hole is halved, the side that had the honors on the previous hole retains the honor.
1) Concessions may not be declined or withdrawn.
2) Putts conceded may not be putted since it may assist a partner in determining his line of putt and speed of that putt.
3) If the team competition has been decided, individual matches will continue until conclusion without the giving of any advice.
Revised and Amended – 28 February 2019
Robert S. Hart