The name of this organization shall be the Pendleton Memorial Golf Association, hereinafter referred to as the PMGA.
These By-Laws are published to establish rules and procedures for the conduct of the business affairs of the PMGA in accordance with law, and the applicable portions of the current edition of MCIWEST-MCB, CAMPENO 5000.2_, and the provisions of the PMGA Constitution.
The Executive Board and all appointees shall abide by and uphold all of the rules and regulations governing the PMGA.
Acceptance of membership shall bind each member to abide by all of the rules and regulations governing the PMGA.
Regular Member – Any individual who is currently serving on Active Duty or Reserve Duty in the Armed Forces of the United States of America, or any individual who retired from Active Duty or Reserve Duty in the Armed Forces of the United States of America, or any individual who honorably served in the Armed Forces of the United States of America.
Associate Member – Any individual who is a DOD civilian, or any individual who is a Government employee contractor, any individual (18 years of age or older) who is the family member of an individual who is currently serving on Active Duty or Reserve Duty in the Armed Forces of the United States of America, or any person who is the family member of an individual who retired from Active Duty or Reserve Duty in the Armed Forces of the United States of America, or any other individual (18 years of age or older), who is authorized to utilize MCCS facilities aboard Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton, or any other eligible civilian individuals. Associate members shall not be eligible to hold an elective office.
Junior Member – Any individual (under 18 years of age) who is the family member of individual who is currently serving on Active Duty or Reserve Duty in the Armed Forces of the United States of America, or any family member of an individual who retired from Active Duty or Reserve Duty in the Armed Forces of the United States of America, or any family member of a Regular member or Associate member. Junior members shall not be eligible to vote nor hold an elective office.
Honorary Member – The President of the PMGA, in consultation with the Executive Board, shall have the authority to designate and confer Honorary membership status to any individual based upon their accomplishments or contributions to the PMGA. Honorary members shall not be eligible to vote nor eligible to hold an elective office.
Only Regular members, as defined above, shall be eligible to hold an elective office.
Applications for membership will be available from the PMGA website and all applications must be accompanied with the appropriate dues for the PMGA and SCGA.
President of the Board – The President of the Board shall have executive authority to ensure that all directives and resolutions of the Board are affected. The President, subject to the control vested in the Board, by the Constitution, or by these By-Laws, shall direct the overall management of the business affairs of the PMGA. Additionally, the President shall:
1. Preside at all General Meetings, Special Meetings, and Board Meetings.
2. Convene and conduct Executive Board Meetings at regular intervals in order to review the scheduled activities of the PMGA.
3. In consultation with, and subject to the approval of the Executive Board, fill vacancies of unexpired terms of Elected Officers.
4. Have the authorization, with the approval of the Executive Board, and in the absence of the Treasurer, to sign checks in the name and from the account of the PMGA.
5. Receive prior authorization from the Executive Board for any expenditure that will exceed the maximum expenditure authority ($500.00) as established by the Executive Board. Any emergency expenditure or overrun must immediately receive post expenditure authorization from the Executive Board.
6. Ensure that any expenditure that will exceed the maximum expenditure authority ($500.00) is co-signed by the President and Treasurer, or Vice President and Treasurer, or President and Vice- President.
7. Perform such duties as may pertain to the position of the President.
Vice President – The Vice President shall assist the President in the performance of his duties by performing duties as are individually assigned by the President. During the President’s absence or inability to act, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President. Additionally, the Vice President shall:
1. In consultation with Treasurer, examine and audit the financial accounts and records of the PMGA annually during the months of February and November.
2. With the advice and consent of the Executive Board, appoint a Nominations Committee, not later than 1 August each calendar year, in order to solicit membership nominations to serve on the PMGA Executive Board. Furthermore, the Vice President shall ensure that each nominee is contacted to determine their willingness to serve on the Executive Board.
3. Be authorized to serve as a co-signer for any expenditure that will exceed the maximum expenditure authority ($500.00).
4. Supervise the duties of the Membership Chairman.
5. Perform such duties as may properly pertain to the position of the Vice President.
Secretary – The Secretary will maintain a complete and accurate record of the written minutes of each General Meeting, Board Meeting and Special Meeting. Such minutes shall be retained on file for not less than five years. Additionally, the Secretary shall:
1. Prepare and publish an Agenda for each scheduled General Meeting, Board Meeting and Special Meeting. The Agenda will be disseminated to the Executive Board members not later than 7 days prior to the scheduled meeting. All comments and/or recommended changes/additional topics are to be received back from the Executive Board within 48 hours of receipt. The Secretary will incorporate the recommendations into the Agenda and resend to the Executive Board for discussion at the meeting.
2. Provide the minutes of the previous General Meeting or Special Meeting to the General Membership.
3. Be responsible for preparing, retaining file copies, mailing, receiving, and delivering all Board correspondence and written matters of record, excluding financial records.
4. When directed by the President of a meeting of the Executive Board, contact the members of the Executive Board in order to advise them of the date, time, and place of the meeting.
5. In coordination with the Treasurer and the Membership Chairman, maintain an accurate, current roster of the PMGA General Membership.
6. Per the current edition of MCIWEST-MCB CAMPENO 5000.2_, provide a copy of the current PMGA Constitution, a current copy of the PMGA By-Laws, a current copy of the PMGA Membership Roster, and a compilation of the Organizational Meeting Minutes to the Commanding General, MCIWEST-MCB, Camp Pendleton (MCCS Business Operations) not later than 15 January of each calendar year.
7. Perform such duties as may properly pertain to the position of the Secretary.
Treasurer – The Treasurer shall receive and be responsible for the funds owned or held by the PMGA. In addition, the treasurer shall keep complete and accurate records and accounts, deposit to the credit of the PMGA all monies and funds received in a bank or other depository insured by the F.D.I.C. Additionally, the Treasurer shall:
1. In coordination with the Secretary and the Membership Chairman, maintain accurate current roster of the PMGA General Membership.
2. In coordination with the Membership Chairman, process all applications for new Membership, renewal Membership applications, and reinstatement Membership applications, upon receipt of the applicable PMGA and SCGA dues.
3. Per the current edition of MCIWEST-MCB CAMPENO 5000.2_, submit an annual statement of Operations and Net Worth of the PMGA to the Commanding General, MCIWEST-MCB, Camp Pendleton (MCCS Business Operations) not later than 15 January of each calendar year.
4. Be authorized to serve as a co-signer for any expenditure that will exceed the maximum expenditure authority ($500.00).
5. Disburse funds as may be authorized by the Executive Board or the President.
6. Perform such duties as may properly pertain to the position of the Treasurer.
Tournament Director – The Tournament Director in consultation with the Executive Board and the Marine Memorial Golf Course staff shall prepare a yearly Tournament Schedule. The Schedule should outline the proposed Tournament dates, Tournament format as well as identify any special requirements in support of the event. Additionally, the Tournament Director shall:
1. Present the Annual Tournament Schedule to the Executive Board for approval not later than 31 October of each calendar year.
2. Post notices of the Tournament Schedule with the dates, entry fee costs, format, special rules, and sign-up/participation information.
3. Be responsible for coordinating the Tournament check-in procedures, checking, verifying and recording Tournament scores, and determining and verifying the winners.
4. Be responsible for the conduct of the Tournament Award ceremony.
5. Maintain a record of each scheduled Tournament. The record shall contain the Tournament dates, entry fee costs, format, special rules, names and scores of the prize winners and any other pertinent information for historical recording purposes. Perform such duties as may properly pertain to the position of the Tournament Director.
Handicap Chairman – The Handicap Chairman shall be guided in the performance of his duties by the provisions and regulations of the SCGA Handicap Manual. Additionally, the Handicap Chairman shall:
Ensure compliance with the established computer procedures of the Golf Handicap Information Network (GHIN) in order to ensure that all scores from the members of the PMGA are properly transmitted to the GHIN.
Compute a temporary handicap for new members based upon five (5) or more complete rounds of golf.
Audit all Tournament and Blitz scorecards for accuracy and for proper posting to the GHIN. In addition, any infraction in posting procedures of score keeping will be brought to the attention of the individual PMGA member.
Perform such duties as may properly pertain to the position of the Handicap Chairman.
Military League Chairman – The Military League Chairman shall be responsible for identifying, organizing and scheduling volunteer members of the PMGA to participate in the Matches and events hosted by the Southern California Military Golf League (SCMGL). In addition, the Chairman will serve as the Camp Pendleton representative to the SCMGL. Additionally, the Military League Chairman shall:
1. Post notices of the Match Schedule with dates, entry fee costs, format, special rules, and sign-up/participation information.
Ensure that a sufficient number of personnel are available to participate in the SCMGL Matches.
Be responsible for coordinating the Match check-in procedures, team pairings, verifying and recording Match scores, and determining and verifying the winner.
Perform such duties as may properly pertain to the position of the Military League Chairman.
Member Day Chairman – The Member Day Chairman will be assigned his duties by the President or Vice President, and he will be responsible for the conduct of play during events. Additionally, the Member Day Chairman shall:
Ensure that the “Starting time” sheets are available one week in advance of play so that the members may select “Starting times” in a manner as prescribed by the President, and the Marine Memorial Golf Course staff.
Ensure that finalized “Starting time” sheets are furnished to the Marine Memorial Golf Course staff prior to the start of the event.
Perform such duties as may properly pertain to the position of the Member Day Chairman.
Membership Chairman – The Membership Chairman will be assigned his duties by the President or Vice President and shall be responsible for the recruitment of new members to the PMGA. Additionally, the Membership Chairman shall:
1. Develop and maintain a recruitment program for the PMGA.
2. In coordination with the Secretary and Treasurer, maintain an accurate, current roster of the PMGA General Membership.
3. In coordination with the Treasurer, process all applications for new Membership, renewal Membership applications and reinstatement Membership applications upon receipt of the applicable PMGA and SCGA dues.
4. Perform such duties as may properly pertain to the position of the Membership Chairman.
Delegate to the SCGA – The Delegate to the SCGA shall be appointed by the President, and shall be responsible for serving as a liaison between the PMGA and the SCGA. Additionally, the Delegate to the SCGA shall:
1. Maintain communication between the PMGA and the SCGA.
2. Provide regular updates to the Executive Board and the PMGA membership on pertinent activities and information from the SCGA.
3. Perform such duties as may properly pertain to the position of the Delegate of the SCGA.
Active Duty Representative – The Active Duty Representative shall be appointed by the President, and shall be the principal Active Duty advisor to the PMGA in regard to matters pertaining to the PMGA members who are currently serving on Active Duty. In addition, the Active Duty Representative shall:
1. In coordination with the Membership Chairman, Tournament Director, and Military League Captain, assist in facilitating Active Duty membership participation in PMGA events.
2. Provide regular updates to the Executive Board in regard to matters unique those PMGA members who are currently serving on Active Duty.
3. Perform such duties as may properly pertain to the position of the he Active Duty Representative.
A quorum shall consist of five (7) members of the Executive Board
The Executive Board shall have the authority to discipline, suspend or expel any member of the PMGA. A member may be placed on probation, or suspended for not more than one year, or may be expelled, for failure to comply with this Constitution, the By-Laws, established authority or other regulations, to include conduct by the member which in the opinion of the Executive Board is prejudicial to the purpose or good order and discipline of the PMGA. All disciplinary action shall require the affirmative vote of the majority of the Executive Board present at the Hearing. Any member who is placed on probation, suspended, or expelled will receive written notice of such proposed actions and will be given an opportunity to refute the allegations.
These By-Laws may be amended at any meeting of the Executive Board by a majority vote of a quorum present. Proposed amendments must be submitted in writing to the President not less than ten days prior to the next scheduled Executive Board meeting. When the By-Laws are amended, a copy of the amendment shall be provided to all members at the next General Meeting. Amendments to these By-Laws may be voided by a two-thirds vote of the members present at the next General Meeting. Special Meetings shall not be called for the purpose of voting on the proposed voiding of an amendment to these Bylaws.
These Pendleton Memorial Golf Association By-Laws are approved by the PMGA Executive Board on this 9th day of November, Two Thousand and Sixteen.
Vice President