2023 BOD (L to R) – Ken Crouse (VP), Bob Ross (President), Joe Keefer (Secretary), Mike Lewis (Treasurer)
Board of Directors
Robert “Bob” Ross
Military Service: Msgt USMC 1967-1987
Civilian Career: VP of Operations, Telecommunications Company
Family: Married, (wife Sherry) and two dogs, Lily & Gonzo
Hobbies/Interests: Golf and Vacationing
Bucket List Golf Course: St Andrews
Personal Golf Factoids: Reasonable Stick, Multiple Hole-in-One’s
Additional PMGA Duties: Tournament Chairman
Vice President
Ken Crouse
Military Service: Maj USMC 1980-2000, enlisted infantry, then OCS ground officer, then UH-1 and AH-1 helicopter pilot
Civilian Career: Captain NETJETS 2000-2022
Education: Bachelor’s degree University of North Carolina-G, Master’s degree Central Michigan University
Family: Married (wife Kathy), resides in Fallbrook CA
Hobbies/Interests: Family, golf destinations, leisure travel
Joe Keefer
Michael S. Lewis
Military Service: MGySgt USMC 1969-1999
Civilian Career: Engineer Technican for Expedionary System Evaluation Division
Family: Single, Two Sons and Two Grandchildren
Hobbies/Interests: Golf and grandchildren
Bucket List Golf Course: Playing in Ireland
Additional PMGA Duties: Military League Captain
Committees & Key Positions
Handicap & Membership Chairman
Joe Keefer
Tournament Director
Dane Badami
Active Duty Representative
Cydney Rose
Gaggle Crew
Joe Keefer, Bob Ross, Mike Lewis, Stan Schritt
Military League
Ron Couchot (Captain), Mike Lewis, Joe Keefer
SCGA Team Play
Stan Schritt (Captain)