The name of this organization shall be the Pendleton Memorial Golf Association, hereinafter referred to as the PMGA.
1. Subject to the approval of the Commanding General, MCIWEST-MCB, Camp Pendleton, there is hereby established aboard said Base, an unincorporated association for the purpose of promoting the game of golf, encouraging adherence to the rules of golfing etiquette and sportsmanship, and increasing the social and recreational enjoyment of the members. Activities will not in any way prejudice or discredit DOD components or other agencies of the Federal Government.
2. This Association does not contemplate pecuniary gain or profit to the members thereof and is organized for non-profit purposes.
3. This Association will administer the Camp Pendleton Junior Golf Foundation; a 501(c) (3) non-profit charity. The elected officers, as described in Article IV, will be the governing Board of Directors for the Camp Pendleton Junior Golf Foundation and will be subject to the Articles of the Foundation and its By-Laws.
1. Membership in this Association shall be open to all personnel authorized by regulations to use the facilities of the Camp Pendleton, Marine Memorial Golf Course, as well as the other membership criteria as outlined within the Member Criteria section of the PMGA By- Laws.
2. Membership confers no voice in the operation of the Golf Course, clubhouse, nor any other facilities of the Golf Course.
3. Membership confers no special privileges in connection with the golf course.
4. Civilian membership will be limited, to not more than one-third of the total membership strength, so as to maintain military personnel and their family members as the primary beneficiaries of the Club.
5. Membership discrimination based on race, creed, age, gender, disability or national origin will not be permitted.
1. The elected officers of the Association shall be:
a. President: The President of the Board shall have executive authority to ensure that all directives and resolutions of the Board are affected. The President, subject to the control vested in the Board, by the Constitution, or by these By-Laws, shall direct the overall management of the business affairs of the PMGA, to include presiding over all Executive Board meetings, General Membership meetings and Special meetings. In addition, the President shall also preside over all aspects of the operation of the Camp Pendleton Junior Golf Foundation.
b. Vice President: The Vice President shall assist the President in the performance of his duties by performing duties as are individually assigned by the President. During the President’s absence or inability to act, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President
c. Secretary: The Secretary shall be responsible to the Executive Board for the recording and keeping of the minutes of the general and executive board meetings of the Association. A copy of the minutes will be submitted to Commanding General, (MCCS, Business Operations), MCIWEST-MCB, Camp Pendleton. The Secretary will be responsible to the Executive Board for the recording and keeping of the minutes of the executive board meetings of the Camp Pendleton Junior Golf Foundation. These minutes will be recorded and stored electronically on CD-ROM to facilitate any question/audit from the IRS where it pertains to the Camp Pendleton Junior Golf Foundation.
d. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds of the Association. He shall be responsible to the Executive Board for the receipt, security and disbursement of these funds. The Club bank account will be in the Club’s name, “Pendleton Memorial Golf Association”. The Treasurer, President and Vice President will be on the financial institutions account documents as “Account Owners and Signers”.
The Treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds of the Camp Pendleton Junior Golf Foundation. He shall be responsible to the Executive Board for the receipt, security and disbursement of these funds. These funds will be held in a separate account from that of the PMGA. The Treasurer, President and Vice President will be on the financial institutions account documents as “Account Owners and Signers”.
2. Executive Board: The Executive Board will be comprised of Elected Officers, Committee Chairmen, and such other members as appointed by the President pursuant to 1.a. above. The Executive Board shall have control of the business and property of the Association and Foundation. In addition, the Executive Board shall preside and have overview of the Camp Pendleton Junior Golf Foundation.
3. Election of Officers:
a. Nominations for elected office shall be with the consent of the nominees and be made as follows:
(1) A Nominating Committee appointed by the Vice President shall submit a slate of qualified candidates to the General Membership at the date and time of the Elections Meeting for their election to the Executive Board.
(2) Nominations may be accepted from the floor at the date and time of the Elections Meeting.
b. Executive Board members shall be elected at a Elections Meeting held for that purpose every two years during October. The term of all elected officers shall be for a two-year period commencing the 1st day of January following the election.
c. Proxy voting shall be permitted.
d. Only Regular Members, as defined within the PMGA By-Laws, are eligible to hold an elective office.
1. Membership in this Association shall be for the calendar year.
2. Dues in this Association shall be annual and shall be set by the Executive Board. Dues automatically include membership in the Southern California Golf Association (SCGA).
1. Adequate insurance, if appropriate, will be secured in order to protect against public liability and property damage claims or other legal actions that may arise as a result of activities of the Club or one or more of its members acting in its behalf.
2. Since there is no direct, vested interest of the Federal Government or any of its instrumentalities in the assets of the Club, the direct protection of organizational assets, such as through fidelity or fire insurance is the responsibility of the Club’s membership.
Fundraising activities will be conducted in accordance with BO 5340.23_.
1. This Constitution may be amended at any meeting of the General Membership by a two-thirds vote of the members present, and subject to the approval of the Commanding General, MCIWEST-MCB, Camp Pendleton.
2. Any procedure not provided for in these articles shall be decided by provision of Robert’s Rules of Order (Revised).
1. This Association may be dissolved by:
a. A majority vote of the members then in good standing, at any meeting held for that purpose.
b. Order of the Commanding General, MCIWEST-MCB, Camp Pendleton, California.
2. No individual member of the Association shall have any right, title or interest in or to the assets of the Association. In the event of dissolution of the Association, the assets thereof shall be allocated first to the payment of its obligations; any monies or property remaining shall be donated to charitable organizations, as determined by the Executive Board.
3. The President shall be responsible, or designate responsibility, for the management of accountability for assets, satisfaction of liabilities, and disposition of residual assets upon dissolution and assurance of responsible management.
The Pendleton Memorial Golf Association (PMGA) Constitution is approved by a majority vote of the membership present at a General Meeting held this 9th day of November, Two Thousand and Sixteen.
Vice President