The Gaggle is a friendly twice-weekly competition played on the Camp Pendleton Golf Course Wednesdays and Saturdays incorporating the World Handicap System for all players. This fair system permits all levels of players to play at an equal level.
The “Blitz Point” System
We use a modified Stafford-Simpson point system much like the PGA Tour. Under the points system, golfers receive “blitz points” based on the following scale:
- 1 point for a net Bogey
- 2 points for a net Par
- 3 points for a net Birdie
- 4 points for an net Eagle
This point system is commonly used on golf courses throughout the country with some variation, and is a fair and impartial judge of how well we play based upon player’s potential to score par. The points are accumulated hole-by-hole and totaled at the end of the round.
Applying Handicaps
A player’s Course Handicap is determined by their Handicap Index compared with the printed course handicap charts displayed in the information bulletin board posted on the outside wall before the entrance to the lockers. The Course Handicap is used to determine the holes a player received strokes.
For example: If a player’s Course Handicap (CH) is 10, they will get one stroke on the holes identified by the handicap rating 1 through 10. If their CH is 18 they receive one stroke per hole. If their CH is 26 they receive two strokes on holes 1 thru 8 and one stroke on all other holes. Maximum CH allowed is 54.
Keeping Score
On each hole, record the gross score on the yellow cards provided, subtract handicap strokes from gross score to determine the net score, then record the Blitz points earned per above.

The gaggle score cards are generally located with the gaggle envelop slot box along with blank envelops. Please fill in the information on the front of the envelop to indicate the players’s desired completion (Gaggle and/or Birdies). Players must indicate their name, tee they will play, and Course Handicap in the space provided on the left end of the card (Player’s GHIN is optional).
Four players may be recorded on one card by one of the foursome members. Player’s gross scores and calculated points must be recorded on the yellow PMGA scorecards on a hole-by-hole basis. Scores and points are totaled for the front and back nines and overall and summarized on the right end of the card. The card must be signed by the scorer and attested by a different player in the group. Record the date played.
Until further notice, do NOT use the hole handicap as shown for women as it is not correct. Instead use the hole handicap as indicated on the course regular scorecard.
Cost to Play
Participants in the Gaggle competition must complete envelopes found by the slot box. Enclose the fee, and deposit the envelope in the PMGA slot box. Tuck in the flap. DO NOT SEAL!
There are 2 separate games that we play.
Determining the Winners

Scorecards are double checked when turned in. In cases where scoring errors are detected, they will be corrected with out notification to the player. In these situations, player’s scores may not be those when the card was turned in.
The winners are determined as follows:
- All players are recorded on a work sheet.
- The order is as the envelops were removed from the slot box (ensuring some randomness).
- Team players then are paired by a random number generator.
- The number of places awarded and the amount is determined by the number of participants and is read from the payoff sheet.
- Minimum number of players required is 6.
- Minimum players paid is 3, and the number increases as participants increase.
- 22% of players are paid as places. For example; if there are 24 participants, 5 places will be paid (Rounding to digits: *.5 rounding down, greater than *.5 rounding up).
- We have tried to equalize the payout for the individual and team places. That is: First place amount for both the individual and team players is equal, etc.
Approximately 90% of Gaggle participants and 100% of birdies entrance fees are paid out. PMGA received approximately 10% of Gaggle. Ties are calculated by summing position values and averaging; rounding to the nearest even dollar. If the final place ties, the payout will come from the PMGA 10%.
Example: If four places are paid, and there exists two players tied for second, the values for second and third place will be averaged and rounded to nearest even $. In this case places are first, second tie and fourth.
Return envelops held for 3 or more months not claimed at the end that period will be donated to PMGA. Thank you.
Gaggle results will be posted NLT the next day on the PMGA web site on the home page and on the Members Day > Gaggle Results page.
The Coordinators
If you would like to volunteer a couple of hours each week to serve as a Coordinator and calculator, please contact our Secretary at